2.By using this setup you can install ruby on your windows machine...After install ruby you can check the ruby version by typing ‘ruby –v’ command in the dos prompt.
3.Then we have to install rails frame work. If you have online connection type ‘gem install rails’ in the windows prompt...Then we can easily install the rails frame work.
4.After install rails we can check the version of the rails by typing ‘rails –v’ on the command prompt.
5.Then we have to decide the database we going to use in this application. In this example I use postgreSQL database. Download the postgreSQL windows setup
(http://www.postgresql.org/download/windows), and install it.
6.Then we have to install Ruby-Postgres gem using the command ‘gem install ruby-postgres’ in the command prompt.
7.Now your basic installation of the Ruby on Rails in the windows platform has completed.